Symptoms are changes that are deviant from normal feeling or being that a person experiences when there is an abnormality or ongoing pathology in the body. They bring to attention that all is not well in the body. Symptoms are subjective and their intensity can only be estimated by the patient?s description. There is no objective way of measuring the severity of symptoms. Symptoms can be of acute onset or chronic in nature depending on the length of the disease process. Chief symptoms also referred to as presenting complains are what prompts an individual to seek the services of a health provider. Some symptoms are general and do not point to any disease in particular. These are known as constitutional symptoms and examples include malaise, loss of appetite, and weight loss among others. In response to a patient?s symptoms, the doctor elicits signs that are related to what the patient presented with. Signs are objective and measurable. Symptoms, signs and investigations are all considered when the diagnosis is made.