Although Dr. Scott J. Belsley currently concentrates on his clinical practice, he has a significant research experience that he concentrated on during the first decade of his career. He is an Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Associate Professor of Surgery and has numerous research accreditations and publications.
Dr. Belsley with a background in clinical research

Book Chapters
- Belsley S."Robotic Applications in Surgical Oncology". Minimally Invasive Surgical Oncology. Eds. Matteotti R.S., Becker J., Ashley S. Springer, 2011. Pgs. 47-58.
- Belsley S, Ballantyne GH. “Robotic Suturing”. Urologic Robotic Surgery. Eds. Stock, Jeffrey A., Michael P. Esposito, and Vincent J. Lanteri. Totowa, N.J.: Humana, 2008. Pgs. 171-183.
- Belsley S, Ashton R. “Robotic Surgery for Benign Esophageal Disease”. Robotic Surgery Eds. Gharagozloo, Farid and Farzad Najam. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Medical, 2009. Pgs. 153-162.
Journal Articles
- Shah A, Levesque K, Pierini E, Rojas B, Ahlers M, Stano S, Holter M, Dutia R, Belsley S, McGinty J, Laferrère B.Effect of Sitagliptin on Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2017 Oct 26. doi: 10.1111/dom.13139.
- Tsang A, Belsley S. Acute Pancreatitis after Pancreaticoduodenectomy. JAMA Surg. 2017 Aug 1;152(8):795-796.
- Dutia R, Stano S, Prigeon R,Homel P, Mcginty J,Belsley S, Ren C, Rosen D, Laferrere . Glucose Metabolism after Gastric Banding and Gastric Bypass in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes: weight loss effect. Diabetes Care. 2017 Jan;40(1):7-15.
- Bhora FY, Al-Ayoubi AM, Rehmani SS, Forleiter CM, Raad WN, Belsley S. Robotically Assisted Thoracic Surgery: Proposed Guidelines for Privileging and Credentialing. Innovations (Phila). 2016 Nov/Dec;11(6):386-389.
- Passeri M, Belsley S. Hybrid TAPP/TEP Repair of Bilateral Obturator and Inguinal Hernias. CRSLS: MN JSLS.2015.00101R1
- Wexelman B, Teng A, Latif MJ, Schwartz G, Sara G, Attiyeh F, Belsley S, Bhora F, Connery CP. Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Chemotherapy for Metastatic Ovarian Cancer. CRSLS: MN JSLS. Nov 16th, 2014.)
- Quercia I, Dutia R, Kotler D, Belsley S, Laferrere. Gastrointestinal Changes after Bariatric Surgery. Diabetes and Metabolism.2013 Dec 17. pii: S1262-3636(13).
- Schwartz G, Belsley S, Klein P, Connery C. Internal Mammary Silicone Lymphadenopathy Diagnosed by Robotic Thoracoscopic Lymphadenectomy. Journal of Robotic Surgery. Journal of Robotic Surgery. June 2013, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp 209-211.
- Lee, D, Myers E, Rehmani S, Wexelman B, Ross R, Belsley S, McGinty J, Bhora F. Surgical Residents’ Perception of the 16 Hour Work Day Restriction: Concern for Negative Impact on Resident Education and Patient Care. J Am Coll Surg. 2012 Dec;215(6):868-77. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2012.08.005. Epub 2012 Oct 4.
- Razi SS, Latif MJ, Li X, Afthinos JN, Ippagunta N, Schwartz G, Sagalovich D, Belsley SJ, Connery CP, Jour G, Christofidou-Solomidou M, Bhora FY. Dietary flaxseed protects against lung ischemia reperfusion injury via inhibition of apoptosis and inflammation in a murine model. J Surg Res. 2011 Nov;171(1):e113-21.
- Razi S, Lebovics R, Schwartz G, Sancheti M,Belsley S, Connery C, Bhora F. Timely Airway Stenting Improves Survival in Patients With Malignant Central Airway Obstruction. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010 Oct;90(4):1088-93.
- Schwartz G, Razi S, Belsley S, Boone D, Latif J, Connery C, Lebovics R, Bhora F. Endoscopic Tracheoplasty: Segmental Tracheal Ring Resection in a Porcine Model. Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. 2010 Jul;17(3):232-235.
- Blasberg, JD, Belsley S, Schwartz, Evans, A, Ashton RC, Jr., Bhora, F, Connery, CP. Robotic Brachytherapy and Sublobar Resection for T1 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in High Risk Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010 Feb;89(2):360-7.
- Binenbaum SJ, Teixeira JA, Forrester GJ, Harvey EJ, Afthinos J, Kim GJ, Koshy N, McGinty J,Belsley S, Todd GJ. Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy using a flexible endoscope. Arch Surg. 2009 Aug; 144(8):734-8.
- Afthinos J, Latif M, Bhora F, Connery C, McGinty J, Burra A, Attiyeh M, Todd G, Belsley S. What Technical Barriers Exist for Real-Time Fluoroscopic and Video Image Overlay in Robotic Surgery. Int J Med Robot. 2008 Oct 29;4(4):368-372.
- Latif M, Afthinos J, Connery C, Perin N, Bhora F, Chwajol M, Todd G, Belsley S. Robotic Intercostal Nerve Graft for Reversal of Thoracic Sympathectomy: A Large Animal Feasibility Model. Int J Med Robot. 2008 Sep;4(3):258-62.
- Saunders J, Ballantyne GH, Belsley S, Stephens DJ, Trivedi A, Ewing DR, Iannace VA, Capella RF, Wasileweski A, Moran S, Schmidt HJ One-year Readmission Rates at a High Volume Bariatric Surgery Center: Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, and Vertical Banded Gastroplasty-Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. Obes Surg. 2008 Oct;18(10):1233-40.
- Ballantyne GH, Belsley S, Stephens D, Saunders JK, Trivedi A, Ewing DR, Iannace V, Davis D, Capella RF, Wasielewski A, Moran S, Schmidt HJ. Bariatric Surgery: Low Mortality at a High Volume Center. Obes Surg. 2008 Jun;18(6):660-7.
- Stephens D, Saunders J, Belsley S, Trivedi A, Ewing, DR, Iannace V, Capella R, Wasielewski A, Moran S, Schmidt H, Ballantyne G. Short-Term Outcomes for Super-Super Obese (BMI =60 kg/m2) Patients Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery At a High Volume Bariatric Surgery Center: Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass & Open Tubular Gastric Bypass. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2008 May-Jun;4(3):408-15.
- Saunders J, Ballantyne G, Belsley S, Stephens D, Trivedi A, Ewing, DR, Iannace V, Capella R, Wasielewski A, Moran S, Schmidt H. Schmidt H, Thirty Day Readmission Rates at a High Volume Bariatric Surgery Center: Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, and Vertical Banded Gastroplasty- Roux en-Y Gastric Bypass. Obesity Surgery Obes Surg. 2007 Sep;17(9):1171-7.
- Flancbaum L, Belsley S. Factors Affecting Morbidity and Mortality of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Clinically Severe Obesity: An Analysis of 1,000 Consecutive Open Cases by a Single Surgeon. J Gastrointest Surg. 2007 April; 11(4): 500–507.
- Belsley S, Byer A, Ballantyne GH. Oncologic Telerobotic Surgery. Oncology Issues. 2006 Jul-Aug; 21(4): 22-25.
- Belsley S, Byer A, Ballantyne GH. First International Congress of Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association: Congress Summary. MIRA and the Future of Surgical Robotics. Int J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg. 2006 Apr 2(1): 98-103.
- Flancbaum L, Belsley S, Drake V, Colarusso T, Tayler E. Preoperative Nutritional Status of Patients Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgey. J Gastrointest Surg. 2006 Jul-Aug;10(7):1033-7.
- Flancbaum L, Drake V, Colarusso T, Belsley S. Initial Experience with Bariatric Surgery in Asymptomatic HIV-Infected Patients. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2:73 -76. 2005
- DeRose JJ, Jr. Toumpoulis IK, Balaram SK, Ioannidis JP, Belsley S, Ashton RC, Jr., Swistel DG. Anagnostopoulos CE. Preoperative prediction of long-term survival following coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with low left ventricular ejection fraction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2005 Feb;129(2):314-21.
- Pisch J, Belsley S, Ashton R, Wang L, Woode R, Connery C. Placement of 125I implants with the da Vinci robotic system after video-assisted thoracoscopic wedge resection: a feasibility study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004 Nov 1;60(3):928-32.
- DeRose JJ, Jr., Martin EC, Ashton RC, Jr., Belsley S, Swistel DG, Todd GJ. Antegrade endovascular repair of a coarctation-associated aneurysm through an upper hemisternotomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004 Aug;78(2):e28-9.
- Lee MS, Wilentz JR, Makkar RR, Singh V, Nero T,Simon C, Rametta S, Swistel D, Belsley S, DeRose JJ, Hybrid Revascularization using Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Robotically-Assisted Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. J Invasive Cardiol. 2004 Aug;16(8):419-25.
- DeRose JJ, Jr., Belsley S Swistel DG, Shaw R, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotically-assisted left ventricular epicardial lead implantation for biventricular pacing: The posterior approach. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004 Apr; 88(4): 1472-4.
- DeRose JJ, Jr. DeRose JJ, Jr., Ashton, RC, Jr., Belsley S, Swistel DG, Vloka M, Ehlert F, Sackner-Bernstein J, Hillel Z, Steinberg JS. Robotically assisted epicardial lead implantation for biventricular pacing. Apr 16;41(8): 1414-9.J Am Coll. Cardiol 2003.
- Belsley S, Tilson MD. Two Decades of Research on Etiology and Genetic Factors in the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)- With a Glimpse into the 21st Century. Acta Chir Belg. 2003 Apr;103(2):187-96.
- K Levesque, A Shah, Marlena M Holter, E Pierini, R Dutia, B Rojas, M Ahlers, S Belsley, J McGinty, B Laferrère. GLP-1 and β-cell Function in Individuals With and Without Diabetes Remission After Gastric Bypass. Obesity Week. Washington, DC. 2017. (pending)
- Passeri M, Belsley S Laparoscopic Obturator Hernia Repair in Setting of Incarceration and Obstruction. Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, Nashville, TN, 2015.
- Robotic‐Assisted Surgery: A Primer on Best Practices for Privileging and Credentialing. Al‐Ayoubi A, Forleiter C, Barsky M, Bogis A, Rehmani S, Belsley S, Bhora F. Eastern Cardiothoracic Surgical Society 52nd Annual Meeting. Palm Beach, FL, 2014.
- Connery C, Bhora F, Belsley S, Karpeh M. Re-Thinking Robotic Privileges for Major Lung Resection: Departmental Quality Improvement Process Prompting Credentialing Reorganization. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, Boston, 2014.
- Bhora F, Nadeem M, Rehmani S, Barsky M, Abuhalimah J, Connery C, Belsley S. Extrapleural Robot-Assisted Thymectomy With Contralateral Phrenic Nerve Protection. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, Boston, 2014.
- Connery C, Nadeem M, Rehmani S, Al-Ayoubi A, Bogis A, Bhora F, Belsley S. Robotic Assisted Intra-pleural Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Perfused Chemotherapy in the Staged,Definitive Treatment of Stage IVa Thymic Malignancy. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, Boston, 2014. (pending)
- Bhora F, Al-Ayoubi A, Bogis A, Barsky M, Todd G, Karpeh M, Connery C, Belsley S. Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Proposed Credentialing Guidelines. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, Boston, 2014. (pending)
- Teng A, Wexelman B, Nezhat F, Sara G, Bhora F, Belsley S and Connery C. Robotic-Assisted Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Perfusion Chemotherapy for treatment of pleural metastases of ovarian serous carcinoma. Minimally Invasive Surgery Week, Reston, VA, 2013.
- Bhora F, Belsley S, Connery C, Aflaki P, Hassan S, Sasson J. Totally Endoscopic Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.
- Sasson J, Moghaddas H, Rehmani S, Almubarak S, Connery C, Belsley S, Bhora F. Robotic Lobectomy is Financially Feasible Despite Inclusion of Capital Costs. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.
- Lee DY, Rehmani S, Wexelman B, Schwartz GS, Alkhalifa M, Belsley S, McGinty J, Bhora F. Attitudes and Perceptions of General Surgery Residents on the Sixteen Hour Duty Limitation. 98th Annual ACS Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL, 2012.
- Rehmani S , Lee D, Jain A, Choi W, Evans A, Bhora F, Belsley S, Connery C. Robotic-Assisted Fluoroscopic Resection of Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology, Chicago, IL, 2012.
- Bhora FY, Lee DY, Belsley S, Wassef M, Rehmani SS, Connery CP. Comparison of Robotic versus Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) Lobectomy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology, Chicago, IL, 2012.
- Razi SS, Schwartz G, Lee DY, Belsley S, Connery CP, Bhora FY. Pre- and Post-stent Modeling of Airflow Dynamics Aids in Patient Selection for Stenting for Malignant Airway Obstruction. 17th World Congress for Bronchology ad Interventional Pulmonology, Cleveland, Ohio, June 2012.
- Razi SS, Schwartz GS, Lee DY, Park K, Jour G, Belsley SJ, Connery CP, Bhora FY. Paclitaxel Cytotoxicity in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer is Significantly Enhanced by a Novel Small Molecule by Direct Activation of Procaspase-3. American Association of Thoracic Surgery, San Francisco, CA, 2012.
- Lee DY, Latif MJ, Ross RE, Fisch J, Jiminez C, Belsley SJ, Bhora FY. Are surgeons with more years in practice able to adapt to Pay-for-Performance (P4P)? Academic Surgical Congress 7th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV, 2012.
- Razi, SS, Park K, Levin R, Catalano R, Jiminez C, Sasson J, Belsley S, Todd G, Bhora FY. Pay-for-Performance Programs Reduce Hospital Costs Without Compromising Care In Surgical Patients. Surgical Forum, American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, 2011.
- Razi SS, Park K, Li X, Jour G, Schwartz G, Latif MJ, Todd G, Belsley S, Connery CP, Bhora FY. Paclitaxel Cytotoxicity Is Significantly Enhanced By A Novel Pro-Apoptotic Agent In The Treatment Of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Surgical Forum, American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, 2011.
- Latif MJ, Belsley SJ, Bhora FY, Ippagunta N, Batra R, Razi SS, Balderacchi J, Perin N, Connery CP. Histologic Demonstration of Successful Nerve Growth After Robotic Sympathetic Chain Reconstruction in Animal Survival Model. International Symposium of Sympathetic Surgery, Odense, Denmark, 2011.
- Belsley SJ, Bhora FY, Razi SS, Latif MJ, Perin N, Connery CP. Successful Short-Term Follow-up after First Robotic Sympathectomy Reconstruction with Autologous Nerve Grafts. International Symposium of Sympathetic Surgery, Odense, Denmark, 2011.
- Park K, Razi SS, Sasson J, Connery CP, Todd GJ, Belsley SJ, Bhora FY. Robotic-Assisted Resection of Esophageal Leiomyoma. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, Athens, Greece, 2011.
- Latif J, Park K, Razi SS. Bhora FY, Todd GJ, Perin N, Connery CP, Belsley SJ. Robotic Microsurgical Nerve Grafting for Sympathectomy Reversal Technique and Feasibility for First Human Case. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, Athens, Greece, 2011.
- Schwartz GS, Park K, Razi SS, Belsley SJ, Bhora FY. Robotic-Assisted Thoracoscopic Repair of a Diaphragmatic Hernia with Liver Herniation and Endometriosis Causing Recurrent Catamenial Pneumothorax. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, Athens, Greece, 2011.
- Razi S, Schwartz G, Park K, Belsley S, Todd G, Connery C, Bhora F. Endobronchial Stenting Facilitates Adjuvant Therapy Resulting In Improved Survival In Patients With Malignant Central Airway Obstruction. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Denver, CO, 2011.
- Bhora FY, Schwartz GS, Park K, Razi SS, Connery CP, Belsley SJ. Robotic-Assisted Resection of a Large Esophageal Leiomyoma. Video Presentation, New York Society for Thoracic Surgery Winter Meeting, New York, NY, 2011.
- Razi S, Li X, Park K, Schwartz G, Belsley S, Connery C, Bhora F. Anti-Tumor Activity Of Cisplatin And Paclitaxel Is Significantly Enhanced By A Novel Pro-Apoptotic Agent In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Association of Academic Surgery, Huntington Beach, CA, 2011.
- Park K, Razi S, Schwartz G, Belsley S, Todd G, Connery C, Bhora F. Timely Tracheobronchial Stenting Provides Significant Cost-Savings In Malignant Central Airway Obstruction. Association of Academic Surgery, Huntington Beach, CA, 2011.
- Boone D, Schwartz G, Razi S, McGinty J, Bhora F ,Lantis J,Belsley S. Subjective Analyses of Resident Skills Versus FLS And ABSITE Scores. Association of Academic Surgery, Huntington Beach, CA, 2011.
- Ready N, Burra A, McGinty J, Todd G, Belsley S. Hidden Markov Model Better Categorizes Surgical Expertise Than Subjective Video Scoring. Association of Academic Surgery, Huntington Beach, CA, 2011.
- Razi S, Schwartz G, Li X, Boone D, Belsley S, Todd G, Connery C, Bhora F. Direct Activation of Procaspase-3 Inhibits Human Lung Adenocarcinoma In Vivo. Owen H. Wangensteen Surgical Forum - American College of Surgeons (ACS), Washington, DC, 2010.
- Razi S, Schwartz g, Boone D, Belsley S, Todd G, Connery C, Bhora F. Pre- and Post-Stent Modeling of Airflow Dynamics in Patients with Malignant Tracheal Obstruction. Wangensteen Surgical Forum - American College of Surgeons (ACS), Washington, DC, 2010.
- Schwartz GS, Razi SS, Bhora FY, Belsley SJ, Connery CP. Feasibility of Robotic Thoracoscopic Resection of Malignant Thymomas. International Thymic Malignancy Group, New York, NY, 2010.
- Schwartz GS, Belsley SJ, Cutler B, Bhora FY, Connery CP. Robotic‐assisted Thoracoscopic Repair of A Large Diaphragmatic Hernia with Liver Herniation and Endometriosis Causing Recurrent Catamenial Pneumothoraces. New York Society for Thoracic Surgery. New York, NY, 2010.
- Schwartz GS, Razi SS, Boone D, Belsley S, Connery CP, Bhora FY. Complete Tracheobronchial Stenting for Obstructing Metastatic Ewing’s Sarcoma. American Thoracic Society, New Orleans, LA, 2010.
- Sagalovich D, Schwartz GS, Razi SS, Surick G, Boone D, Connery CP, Belsley S, Bhora FY. Outcomes of Triple Approach Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery for Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax. American Thoracic Society, New Orleans, LA, 2010.
- Sancheti M,Razi SS, Schwartz G, Boone D, Todd G, Belsley S, Connery CP, Bhora FY. Early airway stenting improves survival in patients with malignant central airway obstruction. New York State for Thoracic Surgery, New York, NY, 2010.
- Schwartz GS, Park K, Gmora SB, McGill K, Blasberg JD, Boone D, Razi SS, McGinty JJ, Bhora FY, Belsley S, Teixeira JA. The Relationship Between Post-Operative Anatomy and Endoscopic Stent Migration. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Landover, MD, 2010.
- Schwartz GS, Gmora S, McGill K, McGinty JJ, Belsley S, Laferrère B, Teixeira JA. The Metabolic Impact of Bariatric Surgery: Lessons Learned. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Landover, MD, 2010.
- Schwartz GS, Gmora SB, Boone D, McGill K, Binenbaum SJ, Forrester GJ, Belsley S, Teixeira JA. Outcome Analysis of 100 Patients Undergoing Single-Incision Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Landover, MD, 2010.
- Bhora F, Razi S, Schwartz G, Boone D, Belsley S, Todd G, Connery C. Advanced Endoscopic Tracheoplasty: Endoscopic Segmental Tracheal Ring Resection. Academic Surgical Congress. San Antonio, TX, 2010.
- Razi S, Schwartz G, Li X, Boone D, Belsley S, Connery C, Todd G, Bhora F. Flaxseed Protects Against the Inflammatory Phase of Lung Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in a Murine Model. Academic Surgical Congress. San Antonio, TX, 2010.
- Razi S, Schwartz G, Boone D, Li X, Belsley S, Todd G, Connery C, Bhora F. Small Molecule Activation of Procaspase-3 Induces Apoptosis in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma: A Tailored Anti-Cancer Strategy. Academic Surgical Congress. San Antonio, TX, 2010.
- Boone D, Anagnostopoulos C, Schwartz G, Razi S, Lantis J, Belsley S, Bhora F, Liapis C, Rokkas C, Swistel D, Balaram S, Toumpoulis I. Peripheral Vascular Disease is an Independent Predictor of Postoperative Complications, Prolonged Length of Stay, and Long-Term Mortality in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. Academic Surgical Congress. San Antonio, TX, 2010.
- Burra A, Schwartz G, Boone D, Razi S, Bhora F, Todd, G, Belsley S. Comparisons between Subjective Analysis and Hidden Markov Models for Complex Robotic Movements. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, San Diego, CA, 2010.
- Kuriloff D, Strome M, Belsley S, Transaxillary Robotic Thyroidectomy: Limitations of Standard da Vinci System with a Retrofitted Fourth Arm. World Congress on Thyroid Cancer. Toronto, Canada. 2009.
- Burra A, Lingeman J, Gill K, Burra A, Ippagunta N, Latif J, Bhora, F, Todd G, Belsley S. Hidden Markov Models and Identification of Surgical Flight-Path Deviation with the Davinci Robot. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Phoenix, AZ, 2009.
- Latif MJ, Ippagunta N, Belsley S, Teixeira JA, Todd GJ, Mcginty JJ. Laparo-endoscopic Single Site Surgical Repair of Ventral Abdominal Hernia. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Phoenix, AZ, 2009.
- Nikalesh Ippagunta, Kevin McGill, Jawad Latif, Scott Belsley, Julio Teixeira. Feasibility of diagnostic peritoneoscopy using a flexible endoscope under low pressure pneumoperitoneum. SAGES. Phoenix, AZ. April, 2009.
- Nikalesh Ippagunta, Jawad Latif, Kevin McGill, James Mcginty, Avinash Burra, Kostas Rizas, Faiz Y. Bhora, George Todd, Scott J. Belsley. Flexible Endoscopic Sub-Rectal Sheath Tunneling allowing intraperitoneal visualization during single incision ventral hernia mesh repair. SAGES. Phoenix, AZ. April, 2009.
- Latif MJ, Belsley SJ, Ippagunta N, Bhora FY, Balderacchi J, Burra A, Todd GJ, Perin N, Connery CP. Surgical Technique of Robotic Nerve Grafting for Reversal of Sympathectomy. The Eighth International Symposium on Sympathetic Surgery (ISSS) and VATS 2009. New York, NY, USA
- Avinash Burra, Nikalesh Ippagunta, Jawad Latif, Faiz Y. Bhora, Scott J. Belsley. Da Vinci Flight Path Data Analysis: Limitations of Biased Segmentation, Minimally Invasive Robotic Association. Quebec City, CA. January, 2009.
- Blasberg JD, Belsley SJ, Evans A, Bhora FY, Connery CP. Mid-Term Results and Radiation Dosimetrics for Robotic Brachytherapy and Sublobar Resection for T1 Non Small Cell Lung Cancer in High Risk Patients. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association. Quebec City, CA. January, 2009.
- Nikalesh Ippagunta, Jawad Latif, Faiz Y. Bhora, Avinash Burra, George Todd, Scott J. Belsley. Retrospective analysis of patterns of specialty usage of Da Vinci System at a single Institution over seven years. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association. Quebec City, CA. January, 2009.
- Nikalesh Ippagunta, Jawad Latif, Faiz Y. Bhora, Cliff Connery, Scott J. Belsley,. Benefits of Robotic Dissection and Suturing versus Laparoscopy on Operations ofthe Diaphragm and the Diaphragmatic Hiatus. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association. Quebec City, CA. January, 2009.
- M. Latif, X. Li, S. J Belsley, G. J. Todd, C. P. Connery, F. Y. Bhora. Reperfusion Injury Induces Heme Oxygenase-1 and NADPH Quinone Oxidoreductase-1 Enzymes in an In Vivo Model of Lung Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. 4th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Fort Myers, FL. February 2009.
- M. Latif, X. Li, M. Christofidou-Solomidou, S. J Belsley, G. J. Todd, C. P. Connery, F. Y. Bhora. Heme Oxygenase-1 and NADPH Quinone Oxidoreductase-1 Expression is Enhanced by Flaxseed in a Mouse Model of Lung Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. 4th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Fort Myers, FL. February 2009.
- M. Latif, J. N. Afthinos, S. J Belsley, G. J. Todd, C. P. Connery, F. Y. Bhora. Resection of Middle Mediastinal Tumors Using the da Vinci Robot. 4th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Fort Myers, FL. February 2009.
- M. J. Latif, X. Li, J. N. Afthinos, S. J. Belsley, G. J. Todd, C. P. Connery, M. Christofidou-Solomidou, F. Y. Bhora. Flaxseed Modulates Caspase Cascade in a Mouse Model of Lung Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. American College of Chest Physicians-CHEST, October 2008, Philadelphia, USA
- M. Jawad Latif, John N. Afthinos, Cliff P. Connery, Scott Belsley, Faiz Y. Bhora. Characterization of Domestic Swine Airway Anatomy for Surgical Research Models. Academy of Surgical Research, November 2008, Indianapolis, IN, USA
- M. J. Latif, X. Li, J. N. Afthinos, A. Colanta, J. Balderacchi, S. Belsley, G. J. Todd, C. P. Connery, M. Christofidou-Solomidou, F. Y. Bhora. Inhibition of Apoptosis by Flaxseed in a Mouse Model of Lung Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. Owen H. Wangensteen Surgical Forum - American College of Surgeons (ACS), October 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA
- John N. Afthinos, MD, Avinash Burra, MS, Marc Attiyeh, BS, M. Jawad Latif, MD, Faiz Y. Bhora, MD, James J. McGinty, MD, Julio A. Teixeira, MD, George J. Todd, MD, Scott J. Belsley, MD. Parkinsonian Movement Metrics Measured with the DaVinci Surgical Robot Correlate with Improving Surgical Coordination. Owen H. Wangensteen Surgical Forum - American College of Surgeons (ACS), October 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA
- John N. Afthinos, M. Jawad Latif, Julio A. Teixeira, Marc Attiyeh, Domingo C. Nunez, George J. Todd, Scott J. Belsley. What is the Feasibility of a Totally Endoscopic Retroperitoneal Medial Visceral Rotation? World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery (WCES), September 2008, Yokohama, Japan
- John N. Afthinos, M. Jawad Latif, Glenn Forrester, Steven Binenbaum, Julio A. Teixeira, Marc Attiyeh, Grace J. Kim, James J. McGinty, Domingo C. Nunez, George J. Todd, Scott J. Belsley. What is the Practical Feasibility of Robotic-Assisted Natural Orifice Translumenal Surgery? World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery(WCES), September 2008, Yokohama, Japan
- JN Afthinos MD, J Teixeira MD, J McGinty, MD, S Binenbaum, MD, G Forrester, MD, G Kim, MD, N Koshy, MBBS, MJ Latif MD, DC Nunez, MD, GJ Todd MD, SJ Belsley MD. How Can Inadvertent Intestinal Insufflation be Limited in Complex Intragastric NOTES Procedure? World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery (WCES), September 2008, Yokohama, Japan
- JN Afthinos, MD, J McGinty, MD, S Binenbaum, MD, G Forrester, MD, R Fukumoto, MD, G Kim, MD, SJ Belsley, MD, MJ Latif, MD, GJ Todd, MD, J Teixeira, MD. Feasibility of an Endoscopic Endoluminal Gastric Plication. World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery (WCES), September 2008, Yokohama, Japan
- JN Afthinos MD, A Burra MS, MJ Latif MD, MA Attiyeh MS, X Li PhD, J Fernandez MD, SK Balaram MD, GJ Kim MD, FY Bhora MD, JA Teixeira MD, JJ McGinty MD, MD Tilson III MD, GJ Todd MD, SJ Belsley MD. Can Parkinsonian Movement Metrics Applied to Da Vinci Robot Motion Data Assess Surgical Experience? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2008.
- JN Afthinos, J Teixeira, J McGinty, S Binenbaum, G Forrester, G Kim, N Koshy, MJ Latif, DC Nunez, GJ Todd, SJ Belsley. How can Inadvertent Intestinal Insufflation be limited in Complex Intragastric NOTES Procedures? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2008.
- JN Afthinos, MD, J McGinty, MD, S Binenbaum, MD, G Forrester, MD, R Fukumoto, MD, G Kim, MD, SJ Belsley, MD, MJ Latif, MD, GJ Todd, MD, J Teixeira, MD. Durability of an End oscopic Endolumenal Gastric Plication. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2008.
- Afthinos J, Forrester G, Binenbaum S, Harvey E, Latif, MJ, Belsley S, Koshy N, McGinty J, Nunez D, Todd G, Kim G, Teixeira, J. Single Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Using Flexible Endoscopy: Saline Infiltration Gallbladder Fossa Dissection Technique. Society of Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, San Diego, California 2008.
- Afthinos J, Bhora F, Connery C, Teixeira J, McGinty J, Latif M, Attiyeh M, Todd G, Belsley S. What Technological Barriers Exist for Real-Time Fluroscopic and Video Image Overlay in Robotic Surgery? Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association. Rome, Italy 2008.
- Afthinos J, Coonery CP, Perin N, Bhora FY, Latif MJ, Attiyeh M, Chwajol M, Chakraborty S, Todd G, Belsley S. Robotic Intercostal Nerve Graft for Reversal of Thoracic Sympathectomy: A Large Animal Feasibility Model. Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association. Rome, Italy 2008.
- Ballantyne GH, Belsley S. Obesity surgery in the elderly & the impact of bariatric surgery on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Surgical Week. Belgian Society of Surgery. Ostend, Belgium, 2007.
- Belsley S, Afthinos J, Stephens D, Saunders J, Schmidt H, Trivedi A, Ewing D, Capella R MD, V Iannace V, Davis D, Wasielewski A, Moran S, Ballantyne G. Do Hospital Costs Differ for Elective Bariatric Surgical Procedures Performed in Patients over 60 years old? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Las Vegas, Nevada 2007.
- Afthinos J, Teixeira J, McGinty J, Bhora F, Balaram S, Connery C, Attiyeh M, Burra A, Nunez D, Todd G, Belsley S. How can Robotics Elucidate an Image Reversal Algorithm to Aid Operative Orientation during Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Las Vegas, Nevada 2007.
- Saunders S, Belsley S,Schmidt H,Trivedi A,Ewing D,Capella R,Iannace V,Davis D,Wasielewski A,Moran S,Ballantyne G. Low Mortality in a High Volume Bariatric Surgery Center. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Las Vegas, Nevada 2007.
- Belsley, S, Bhora, F.Y., Balaram, S.K., .Evans, A.J., Ashton, R.C., DeRose, J.J., Todd, G.J., Connery, C.P. A Five Year Review of the Trends and Outcomes in Robotic Thoracic Surgery at a Single Institution, Tórax, Recife, Brazil, March 2007.
- Belsley, S, Bhora, F.Y. Balaram, S.K. Evans, A.J. Ashton, R.C. DeRose, J.J. Todd, G.J. Connery, C.P. Initial Outcomes of Robotic Brachytherapy Tórax, Recife, Brazil, March 2007.
- Tyrie L, Teixeira J, McGinty J, Bhora F, Balaram S, Connery C, Attiyeh M, Nunez D, Swistel D, Todd G, Belsley S. What are the Optical Barriers Limiting Robotic NOTES Surgery with the Da Vinci System? Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association. New York City, New York 2007.
- Chemouny J, Belsley S, Cordova AC, Wasielewski, A, Ballantyne GH. Does Patient Age have an Infuence on the Percentage of Excess Weight-Loss after Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Dallas, Texas 2006.
- Faloon M, Belsley S, Farkas D, Wasielewski, A, Ballantyne GH. Does C-Reactive Protein Decrease Proportionately to Body Mass Index in Both Gastric Bypass and Gastric Band Patients? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Dallas, Texas 2006.
- Cordova, AC, Chemouny, J, Farkas, D, Belsley S, Wasielewski, A, Ballantyne GH. Right Hand-Assisted Hemicolectomy with Medial-Lateral Dissection. 76th Congreso Argentino de Cirugia. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005.
- Chemouny, J, Cordova, AC, Belsley S, Ewing DR, Ballantyne GH. An Easy Method for the Diagnosis of Internal Hernias After a Gastric Bypass. 76th Congreso Argentino de Cirugia. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005.
- Belsley S, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotic Thymectomy for a Mediastinal Parathyroid Gland. Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association. Innsbruck, Austria. December 2005.
- Ashton RC, Belsley S, Connery C, Ro C, Balaram S, DeRose JJ. Robotic Thoracic Surgery: Where We Stand in 2005. Chest. Montréal, Québec, Canada. October 2005.
- Belsley S, Li X, Toset A, Todd G, Tilson MD. Transitions in the Expressed mRNA of the Gene for Ferritin Light-Chain Detected in Fibroblasts Cultured from a Surgical Specimen of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Society of Vascular Medicine and Biology. 15th Annual Meeting. Anneheim, California, 2005.
- Belsley S, Connery C, DeRose JJ, Jr., Balaram S, McGinty JJ, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotic Brachytherapy Techniques for Lung Cancer. Chest, Seattle, Washington, October 2004.
- Belsley S, Connery C, DeRose JJ, Jr., Balaram S, McGinty JJ, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotic Esophageal Mobilization for Three-Hole Esophagectomy International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, London, United Kingdom, June 2004.
- Belsley S, Connery C, DeRose JJ, Jr., Balaram S, McGinty JJ, Ashton RC, Jr. Surgical Techniques in Robotic Esophageal Surgery. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, London, United Kingdom, June 2004.
- Belsley S, DeRose JJ, Jr., Connery C, McGinty JJ, Rothschild O, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotic Assisted Transthoracic Esophagectomy. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Denver, Colorado. April 2004.
- Belsley S, Martin EC, Ashton RC, Jr., Swistel DG, Todd GJ. DeRose JJ, Jr. Thoracic Coarctation-Associated Aneurysm with Antegrade Endovascular Repair, NewEra Cardiac Care, Dana Point, California, January 2004.
- Belsley S, Objunke J, Collin P, Tilson MD. Catechin and Sulfated Polysaccharide Nutriceuticals inhibit MMP-2 (gelatinase-A) of Fibroblasts cultured from abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Association for Academic Surgery 37th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California, November 2003.
- Belsley S, Connery C, Pisch J, DeRose JJ, Gaildon M, Ashton RC. New Robotic Technique for Thoracic Brachytherapy. Surgical Forum: Clinical Congress Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, Illinois, October 2003.
- Belsley S, Flancbaum L. Predictors of Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality after Roux - en - Y Gastric Bypass. Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Orlando, Florida, May 2003.
- Belsley S, Hillel Z, Ashton RC, Jr., Swistel DG, Shaw R, Lee MS. Willentz JR, Singh V, Nero T DeRose JJ, Jr. Coronary hybrid revascularization utilizing robotically - assisted coronary artery bypass grafting. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Miami, Florida, April 2003.
- Belsley S, DeRose JJ, Jr., Anagnostopoulos CE, Shaw R, Safavi A, Ashton RC, Jr, Swistel DG, Hillel Z. Cardiac Surgery in Nonagenarians: age is not a contraindication. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Miami, Florida, April 2003.
- Belsley S, DeRose JJ, Jr., Anagnostopoulos CE, Hillel Z, Ashton RC, Jr., Shaw R, Safavi A, Swistel DG. Unselected use of bilateral internal thoracic arteries for myocardial revascularization in diabetics confers long-term survival advantage. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Miami, Florida, April 2003.
- Wilson T, Belsley S, Drake V, Colarusso T, Flancbaum L. Preoperative Nutritional Status of Patients Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity. Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Orlando, Florida, May 2004.
- DeRose JJ, Jr. Toumpoulis IK, Anagnostopoulos CE, Belsley S, Ashton RC, Jr., Hillel Z, Shaw R, Swistel DG. Long-term survival following coronary artery bypass grafting for ischemic cardiomyopathy. European Society of Cardiology, Vienna, Austria 2003.
- DeRose JJ, Jr., Ashton RC, Jr., Belsley S, Shaw R, Swistel DG, Sackner-Bernstein J, Steinberg JS. Robotically-assisted ventricular resynchronization therapy following failed coronary sinus cannulation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;41:137A.
- DeRose JJ, Jr., Belsley S, Swistel DG, Shaw R, Steinberg JS, Hillel Z, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotically-assisted left ventricular lead placement for ventricular resynchronization therapy. New Era, Dana Point CA, January 2003.
- Belsley S, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotic Thymectomy for a Mediastinal Parathyroid Gland. Innsbruck, Austria. December 2005.
- Chemouny, J, Cordova, AC,Belsley S, Ewing DR, Ballantyne GH. An Easy Method for the Diagnosis of Internal Hernias After a Gastric Bypass. 76th Congreso Argentino de Cirugia. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005.
- Belsley S, Connery C, DeRose JJ, Jr., Balaram S, McGinty JJ, Ashton RC, Jr. Surgical Techniques in Robotic Esophageal Surgery. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, London, United Kingdom. June 2004.
- Belsley S, Martin EC, Ashton RC, Jr., Swistel DG, Todd GJ. DeRose JJ, Jr, Thoracic Coarctation-Associated Aneurysm with Antegrade Endovascular Repair, New Era Cardiac Care, Dana Point, California, January 2004.
- DeRose JJ, Jr., Belsley S, Swistel DG, Shaw R, Steinberg J, Hillel Z, Ashton RC, Jr. Robotically-assisted left ventricular lead placement for ventricular resynchronization therapy. 6th Annual Meeting, New Era Cardiac Care, Dana Point, CA, January 2003.
- Robotic-Assisted Resection of Esophageal Leiomyoma. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, Athens, Greece, May 2011.
- Robotic Microsurgical Nerve Grafting for Sympathectomy Reversal Technique and Feasibility for First Human Case. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, Athens, Greece, May 2011.
- Robotic-Assisted Thoracoscopic Repair of a Diaphragmatic Hernia with Liver Herniation and Endometriosis Causing Recurrent Catamenial Pneumothorax. Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, Athens, Greece, May 2011.
- Hidden Markov Model Better Categorizes Surgical Expertise Than Subjective Video Scoring. Association of Academic Surgery, Huntington Beach, CA, 2011.
- Technical Hurdles for Transluminal and Natural Orifice Procedures. Eastern Surgical Society. New York, New York, April 2009.
- What Technical Barriers Exist for Real-Time Fluroscopic and Video Image Overlay in Robotic Surgery? Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association. Rome, Italy. January 2008.
- Telerobotic Colorectal Surgery: Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 16th International Conference and Endo Expo 2007. San Francisco, California, September 2007.
- Do Hospital Costs Differ for Elective Bariatric Surgical Procedures Performed in Patients over 60 years old? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2007.
- A Five Year Review of the Trends and Outcomes in Robotic Thoracic Surgery at a Single Institution, Tórax, Recife, Brazil, March 2007.
- What are the Optical Barriers Limiting Robotic NOTES Surgery with the Da Vinci System? Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association. New York City, NY. January 2007.
- Robotic Thymectomy for a Mediastinal Parathyroid Gland. Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association. Innsbruck, Austria. December 2005.
- Robotic Thoracic Surgery. Society of New Jersey Surgeons. Hackensack, NJ. November 2005.
- RP6: Robotic Mobile Internet Based Teleconferencing. Society for Medical Innovation and Technology and Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association, Naples, Italy. September 2005.
- Robotic Thoracic Surgery. Society for Medical Innovation and Technology and Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Association, Naples, Italy. September 2005.
- Surgical Techniques in Robotic Esophageal Surgery. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, London, United Kingdom. June 2004.
- Thoracic Coarctation-Associated Aneurysm with Antegrade Endovascular Repair, New Era Cardiac Care, Dana Point, California, January 2004.
- Catechin and Sulfated Polysaccharide Nutriceuticals inhibit MMP-2 (gelatinase-A) of Fibroblasts cultured from abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) Association for Academic Surgery, November 2003.
- New Robotic Technique for Thoracic Brachytherapy. Surgical Forum: Clinical Congress Meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Chicago, Illinois. October 2003.
- Predictors of Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. 18th Annual SSAT Residents and Fellows Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 2003.
- Unselected Use of Bilateral Internal Thoracic Arteries for Myocardial Revascularization in Diabetics Confers Long-Term Survival Advantage. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Miami, Florida, April 2003.
- Does Patient Age have an Infuence on the Percentage of Excess Weight-Loss after Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Dallas, 2006.
- C-Reactive Protein Decrease Proportionately to Body Mass Index in Both Gastric Bypass and Gastric Band Patients? Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Dallas, Texas 2006.
- Transitions in the Expressed mRNA of the Gene for Ferritin Light-Chain Detected in Fibroblasts Cultured from a Surgical Specimen of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Society of Vascular Medicine and Biology. 15th Annual Meeting. Anneheim, California, 2005.
- Robotic Brachytherapy Techniques for Lung Cancer. Chest, Seattle, Washington, October 2004.
- Robotic Esophageal Mobilization for Three-Hole Esophagectomy. International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, London, United Kingdom. June 2004.
- Robotic Assisted Transthoracic Esophagectomy. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Denver, Colorado. April 2004.
- Catechin and Sulfated Polysaccharide Nutriceuticals inhibit MMP-2 (gelatinase-A) of Fibroblasts cultured from abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Association for Academic Surgery 37th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California, November 2003.
- Preoperative Nutritional Status of Patients Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity. Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, New Orleans, Louisana, 2004.
- Coronary hybrid revascularization utilizing robotically - assisted coronary artery bypass grafting. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Miami, Florida, April 2003.
- Cardiac Surgery in Nonagenarians: age is not contraindication. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Miami, Florida, April 2003.
- Unselected use of bilateral internal thoracic arteries for myocardial revascularization in diabetics confers long-term survival advantage. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Miami, Florida, April 2003.
Conference Faculty
- Chairperson, NOTES Poster Session, World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Yokohama, Japan. September 2008.
- Moderator, Robotic Oncology Plenary Session. Robotic Minimally Invasive Robotic Association, Quebec City, Canada. January 2009.
Nucleotide Sequences
- Belsley S, Li X, Toset A, Tilson MD: UniProtKB/TrEMBL Q86W19_Human. Ferritin-like Protein. "The ferritin light chain and the search for the familial abdominal aortic aneurysm gene." Submitted (DEC-2002) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
Belsley S Adjustable Device Delivery System. December 21, 2010. US Patent 7,854,727 B2
Belsley S Adjustable Device Delivery System. June 11,2013. US Patent 8,460,254