Medical instruments refer to devices that are used in the field of medicine to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients. Depending on the function, instruments can broadly be labeled as diagnostic, monitoring and therapeutic instruments and equipment. Diagnostic equipment assists the medic in arriving at a diagnosis. They include radiological equipment such as CT scans, MRIs, X- ray machines and ultrasound. Medical laboratory equipments are also included in this category. Examples are microscopes and analyzer of different kinds which help in processing of samples from patients. Monitoring equipments are used to keep track of the patient?s progress in the course of the hospital stay. Bedside monitors keep track of a patient?s vital signs and raise an alarm if any dangerous deviations from the normal are noted. Glucose monitoring kits, lung function monitoring kits are other examples of monitoring equipment. Other instruments are directly involved in the treatment process of the patient. They include surgical instruments which are used during surgery and radiation equipment which are used to deliver doses of radiation to specific parts of the body.