Sugar is a term generally used to refer to short chain carbohydrates that are sweet and soluble. Sugar is used to sweeten foods and is a common fixture in most kitchens. Chemically, it is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Presently, most sugar in the world is derived from sugarcane, which is a type of grass. The juice from the plant is pressed out and dried up to produce the crystals of sugar. Sugar has been present in the civilization of man for a long time. Initially it was a luxury product available only to the rich, this changed with technology that aided production of sugar in large scale. On average a person consumes about 24 kg of sugar in a year. Health wise, consuming sugar in large amounts has been linked to having detrimental effects on the health of a person with links to heart disease, diabetes and tooth decay among others. Current WHO recommendations indicate that only 5% of total calorie requirements should be derived from sugar. This is in a bid to cut down adverse effects that consumption of sugar is having on human health.