Stress is a normal physical response of a person to events that acts as a stressor in some way such as an environmental condition or a harmful stimulus. The response or reaction of the body to a challenge is referred to as stress. According to the type of stressful stimulus the sympathetic nervous system is activated, resulting in either a fight or flight response, also referred to as the stress response. The stress response is actually the body?s method of protecting itself. During a stress response, there is a release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline by the nervous system. These hormones are responsible for activating the body to take an emergency action. As a result of stress, various physical signs and symptoms are produced including increased heart beat, tightened muscles, quickened breath and alert senses. The body?s strength and stamina are increased by these changes, along with an increase in the speed of the reaction time. The person becomes more focused and gets prepared to either fight or run away from the harmful stimuli.