Psychological term to denote the conventions of thought, covert influences and unquestioned assumptions that are implicit in a given culture, arts, or science at any given point in time
The Power of Choice
Many people have tried every diet, pill and program to shed pounds; but have been unable to lose the weight or maintain the weight loss. Often these people explore the idea of metabolic surgery as a way to gain control and make permanent lifestyle changes.
Stress is a widely used term, yet the concept of stress in humans is difficult to define. Whilst generally perceived as a negative phenomenon, not all stress is bad; indeed a certain amount is necessary for us to function optimally.
Every successful weight loss program includes both a meal plan and an exercise regimen. More than likely if you are struggling with obesity it has probably already been advised that you introduce some type of cardiovascular exercise into your lifestyle. These aerobic activities include; walking, running, cycling, spinning, swimming and dance classes.
Food Addiction and the Dangers of Substituting Another Addiction
Food addiction or compulsive eating is a pathological disorder. The individual exhibits cravings and withdrawal symptoms similar to those noticed in drug addictions. This is because the same neurological pathways come into play in both cases.
Every magazine and news show has headlines on how to lose weight and get ready for a particular season or special event. There are so many different weight loss plans that it can be confusing and overwhelming. The truth is all these diets work if you are consistent.
A group can be defined as a number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities. All of our patients that come to our practice are struggling with obesity. The commonality amongst the patients is the challenges related to weight loss and frustration with diets and numerous attempts at weight loss.
Bariatric surgery does not change your life in terms of job, family and other psychosocial aspects. If some areas of your life are causing you to eat you might want to take a step back and evaluate the situation. You must try very hard not to use food as an outlet. Set consistent meal times and follow that routine. People tend to bury their feelings in food. Food is often used as a comfort source for many emotions. It’s like our best friend. Bariatric surgery provides a tool to control your portion sizes and combined with our program, can teach you to choose your foods wisely.