Mind-body intervention encompasses several techniques that fall under the category of alternative medicine. These include alexander technique, aromatherapy, art therapy, biodanza, hatha yoga, and other such techniques. These techniques rely on creative visualization and adopt a holistic approach to treatment.
Therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy are now mainstream; however most mind-body intervention techniques are treated as secondary to alternative medicine.
This therapy is built upon the belief that the mind can be made to affect bodily functions and symptoms. There are various techniques that can be used to enhance the mind’s capacity. Mind-body intervention started as an alternative and complimentary system but some of its techniques are mainstream now; these include patient support groups and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Meditation, prayer, art, music, and dance are still considered complimentary techniques but there efficacy is supported by anecdotal evidence. Mind-body therapy takes into consideration the interactions between mind and body and their effect on behavior. This therapy works on the tenet that mental, social, and spiritual factors affect a person’s health.