Collective term for members of the vitamin B complex necessary for the normal production of red blood cells found especially in liver and green vegetables
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is one of the eight B vitamins; it is a water soluble vitamin and also called cobalamin. It is worth noting that vitamin B12 is the largest and structurally the most complex vitamin. Vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious consequences if it is ignored for long periods of time.
Cancer is the name for a group of diseases in which cells in a specific part of the body divide and grow abnormally to form clusters known as tumors. All body tissues are formed from cells whose behavior is governed by genes. Under normal circumstances, cells reproduce and die at an equal rate, but if the gene responsible for controlling this aspect of cell behavior changes or mutates then the cell can begin to replicate uncontrollably. Whilst the link between cancer and obesity has been the focus of significant research for some time, no single causal pathway has been identified and at present it is not clear whether obesity is responsible for causing the gene mutations that can initiate cancer, or if it somehow promotes cancer progression such that the disease is detected at an earlier age than would otherwise be typical