Single, relatively large quantity of a substance, usually one intended for therapeutic use, such as a dose of a drug; in radiology, rapid injection of a large dose of contrast medium to increase opacification of blood vessels
Bariatric Surgical Diet while in the Hospital
Stage I – Post-Op and the Hospital Diet
At this time, Dr. Belsley and the hospital team will be monitoring your progress by seeing how well you tolerate low-sugar, non-carbonated liquids such as water, tea, and broth. Sugar-free gelatin is another option. Use a cup to drink and avoid sipping from a bottle or straw.
The duodenum lies at the beginning of the small intestine. Together with the jejunum, and the ileum it forms the small intestine. It is connected to the stomach above and the jejunum below it. When food enters the duodenum, there are multiple feed-back pathways and nervous reflexes that will affect how fast the stomach empties as well as the secretion of other hormones.