An increase in the H-ion concentration of the blood or a fall below normal in pH which is often categorized as either respiratory or metabolic
Clear Liquid Diet
Phase I – Liquid Diet Guidelines after your operation
You will be on this phase for at least 2 weeks after your surgery. You will feel full from liquids and may not meet your fluid goals the first few days. During this phase you must consume liquid only and avoid all solid foods. Your primary source of energy and protein will be protein shakes.
Acid reflux occurs when stomach contents leak out into the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. Common symptoms include heartburn, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and difficulty swallowing. Less commonly, throat pain, nausea, coughing and increased salivation may also be observed, and frequent reflux is associated with an increased risk of tooth decay due to acid erosion. Most people will experience occasional episodes of symptomatic acid reflux, and it is usually no cause for concern.