The part of the trunk that lies between the thorax and the pelvis. This anatomical term does not include the vertebral region posteriorly but is considered by some anatomists to include the pelvis (abdominopelvic cavity).
The omentum is a membranous double layer of fatty tissue that covers and supports the intestines and organs in the lower abdominal area. The omentum is made up of the greater omentum which is an important storage for fat deposits and the lesser omentum which connects the stomach and intestines to the liver.
Milky spots on the greater omentum contain white blood cells that assist immunity by removing cellular debris.
The large intestine carries out the function of absorption of water and electrolytes as well as storing waste until it can be expelled. It is also responsible for maintaining water balance and some absorption of vitamins such as vitamin K. The mixture of remaining food and intestinal juices called chyme in the colon is devoid of almost all nutrients and water; it consists of primarily the undigested food with some amount of water and electrolytes.
Excess Skin and Body Contouring Post-Bariatric Surgery
It’s good to keep in mind that you’re on the final stage of returning your body to a healthier, better-looking condition. To help you through this stage you can consider body contouring and excess skin removal to improve the shape and tone of your underlying tissue. Although the skin incisions are significant, the result is a more normal appearance to the body, with smoother contours.