Juices have calories and sugar which is why we suggest dilution. When possible you should consume juices more sparingly. Crystal Light and Wyler’s are no calorie beverages made with artificial sweeteners so they are actually preferred for long term use. Crystal Light and Wyler’s are beverages that are not actually juices and therefore do not have to be diluted from a calorie perspective or as a strategy to avoid dumping syndrome. Crystal Light and Wyler’s can be diluted or made with less water if you prefer since many people find artificial sweeteners to be sweeter than actual sugar. A successful diet requires reduced calories and limited sugar.
Keep in mind that typical ‘diet’ natural juices are really just juices that have been diluted at the factory prior to packaging. The calories are typically reduced just because there is less juice and more water. There is no difference between diluting the normal juice yourself and buying one that is already diluted.
Keep in mind that typical ‘diet’ natural juices are really just juices that have been diluted at the factory prior to packaging. The calories are typically reduced just because there is less juice and more water. There is no difference between diluting the normal juice yourself and buying one that is already diluted.